What to Consider when Hiring a Production Company

Written by

Picture This Video Sharon Sobel
Sharon Sobel

Published on

August 5, 2022
BlogThe Picture This Video Way
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Hiring a production company should be looked at like hiring a construction company-they have your vision in mind, and it’s their job to execute it on time, on budget, and delivering the product you’ve discussed and envisioned. Each step of production requires considerations of “who’s doing what”, and “when” and it’s a good idea to consider these at the very beginning so expectations and responsibilities are clear. Below are some questions to ask for the various phases of production.

What deadlines will you be responsible for meeting on your side, and what deadlines are we responsible for meeting?
What kind of payment terms and/or deposit do you require/offer?
Are you providing progress/status reports to us as the client? (Picture This Video uses a project management platform with our clients that shows deadlines, the various tasks involved in the video project, and who’s responsible for what, and by when. At any given moment, our clients can see exactly what we’re working on, what’s been done, and what we might be waiting on.)

Who is writing the script or outline?
What process do you have for reviewing and giving feedback on the script?
How many revisions are allowed without changing the budget?
What milestones need to be met before production can begin?
Who will be responsible for lining up locations and permits?


Who will be allowed on set from the client side, and who is required to be there from our side?
What authority do we have on set, as the client?
What if we decide to make changes to the script on the shoot day? Is that allowed and does that affect the budget?
How should we handle catering and craft services costs- is that built into the budget, or should we plan it as an extra expense that day?

How many revisions are allowed within our contract?
How do we review the versions of the video and provide feedback? (Picture This Video uses an online platform that allows you to review the video and insert time-specific comments and feedback, and this platform is collaborative, allowing multiple reviewers. Of course, the more reviewers, the slower the process!)
Do we need to have someone present with the editor to ensure they understand what is expected?
What will happen with our raw footage and our project after the video is delivered?
What if we want to use the raw footage for potential future projects- will you be archiving our media assets? (Picture This Video is able to provide archiving for our clients at no extra charge. In fact, we’ve been in business for over 20 years, and it’s just the first few years of client projects that have been removed from our system. We use state-of the art media storage and backup systems to ensure your media assets are in safekeeping.)

Sharon Sobel

Owner, Picture This Video

Sharon Sobel provides a range of services for a wide array of clients, from freelance work to script-to-screen production. We serve production companies and television stations requiring specialized freelance services, as well as businesses and organizations needing help with script-to-screen video marketing and production.

Picture This Video Sharon Sobel During Production

Freelance Rates according to role

Rates may vary based on the scope of the project. Please get in touch with your project details for a firm estimate.
T-shirt that reads: I am an artist. This does not mean I will work for free. I have bills just like you. Thank you for understanding.
  • Role Title

    Up to 5 hours
    Up to 10 hours
  • Associate Producer

  • Field Producer

  • Teleprompter Operator w/gear

  • Webcast (Livestream) / Event Producer onsite w/client

  • Webcast (Livestream) / Event Producer from PTV office

  • Terms

    • Mileage: Picture This Video works in the Metro DC area within a 25 mile radius of Fairfax, VA, with no travel fees. Additional mileage is charged at the current IRS rate.
    • Time is charged from arrival on site to departure from site.
      Our rates typically are based on 1/2 day (5 hours) or full days (10 hours).
    • For each hour over 10 in a day, the cost will be time and a half times the hourly rate for that job’s full day rate.
    • Cancellation of a scheduled scripting, videotaping or editing date may incur a kill fee:
      • 24-48 hours notice: $250
      • less than 24 hours notice: $300
      This is in addition to the cost of any rented equipment, and sub-contractors' kill fees.
    • Other rates & services available on request.
    • Invoices are due upon receipt. Deposit may be required.