Picture This Video is proud to announce that they received an “Honorable Mention” award for their nomination video produced for the Virginia Association of Elementary School Principals (VAESP) National Distinguished Principals Award Program. This video was produced on behalf of Alexandria City Public Schools, and the video earned Principal Rene Paschal the honor of being selected as the National Distinguished Principal by VAESP.
The VAESP National Distinguished Principals award program recognizes and celebrates elementary and middle-level principals who set high standards for instruction, student achievement, character and climate for the students, families and staff in their learning communities.
Video: https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/1393241889-26869244e7fca4860f0c41b12091f04250bbd7535c3cd3fa1ae982cea906bed0-d?mw=1280&mh=720&q=70
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